Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Enjoy The Ride

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

The way to HAPPINESS is this.  Close your eyes.  Breathe deeply.  Slowly. Start counting.  Take your mind off all that occupies it.  Zone out.  Breathe.  Count.  Feel a little bit dizzy.  Let your arms or hands or fingers or head move if they want to.  That's your Inner Source saying "Hello, I'm here."  Feel it.  Feel the presence.  Let it in, don't be afraid.  Your Source loves you.  Your Source is trying to connect with you.  Your Source wants you to be happy. Your Source is your connection to the Universe.  The Universe is bringing you all that you desire.  Doesn't that make you happy?  Isn't that a happy thought?  That you are loved, and that all you desire is being brought to you, and that all that is required of you is be happy?  See how that made a nice little circle?  Source is your connection to the universe which loves you and brings you all that you desire, which is a thought that brings you happiness, which is exactly what you need to feel to let in all your desires, which makes Source even happier and your connection even stronger.  This could (and does!) go on forever.  Enjoy the ride.  Be happy.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Dwell on Positives

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

The way you feel is as important as what you think about.  Your emotions will take you to many happy places if you let them.  You thoughts will transport those emotions and make sure they get you to your destination.  Search for thoughts that make you happy.  Just do it.  Take the time to spend on yourself.  Are you not worth it?  Answer your own questions and quiet your mind.  All the answers are there, if you listen for them.  Quite a lot of time is spent dwelling on negatives.  Buck the trend.  Be a pioneer.  Dwell on positives.  And watch your emotions soar.  When that happens, watch for good things to happen, for they will.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Believe in Turtles

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

The Secret is this: That life is all in your control.  The universe gives you what you ask of it.  The reason you don't see it is because you don't believe it, and the reason you don't believe it is because you don't see it.  Talk about a vicious circle!  Try this circle instead: Believe it, see it, believe it, see it, believe it, see it and so on.  It works! Go on, give it a try.  Start with something small.  Believe you'll see a turtle this week.  Really believe it.  Let me know your results.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Be Joyful

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

Be joyous in all that you do.  Even if what you are doing is sitting at a desk crunching numbers.  Celebrate your life.  Be grateful for that which you have.  Be grateful that you have numbers to crunch, files to files, emails to respond to, phones to answer.  Be joyous.  Take stock of what you have for many others do not have what you have.  Be appreciate of all the love in your life.  Be thankful for your friends, your family, your partner, you kids, your neighbours.  Anyone who makes you smile.  Bless them and be thankful that they are in your life.  The more you focus on what's good, the more that's good will make itself obvious.  The more that's good will appear over and over again your life.  Do not sweat the small stuff,  celebrate it!  Be thankful and give thanks.  You will reap so may benefits,  I promise!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Thinking of that which makes you happy.

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

These things called thoughts are just that: things.  They are real. As real as you are sitting there right now reading this.  So, your thoughts are real. What now?  Tend to them.  Keep them positive.  Try to think about something that makes your heart glow.  Is it a person, or place, or memory?  Anything that puts a smile on your face.  Think of it now.  And feel the smile grow.  Doesn't that feel better?

Monday, 21 September 2009

The beginning of all this

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

Quite a long time ago, the universe got itself together and decided to create a world of relativity.  That world is here and now. The way to navigate it is to understand the laws that govern it.  This site is devoted to the Law of Attraction.  That which you think about, becomes your reality.  The universe gives you what you spend your time thinking about.  So, then, why not think good thoughts?  They will give you a much better life than negative thoughts.  Is it really that much of a chore to make yourself happy?  It doesn't need to be, and if you think it does, then it will be.  So think again my friend.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Be Happy

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

All you have to do is be happy.  Is that really so hard?  All that it takes is a little determination and a little willpower.  Start off every day by thinking about someone or something that makes you happy.  Maybe it's a joke, maybe it's a funny movie, maybe it's a person.  But think about it.  Get yourself in a good mood.  It is so worth it, you will be amazed, and you will believe your eyes!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

These things that people worry about....

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

These things that people worry about...they are causing their own downfall through worry.  Thought precedes reality.  Attract to yourself that which makes you happy. HAPPINESS is all that you need to be to get all that you want.  Remember this: Thoughts are real vibrations.  The universe receives them and replies in kind.  Your desires are there for you, waiting for you.  The universe loves you and wants you to be well, but cannot help but return to you that which you are thinking of.  Don't blame i, for it cannot help itself.  That is Law.  Retinker your own thoughts.  Watch the results.  Be amazed.  Go on, I dare you.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Aligning With Yourself

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

The best way to align with yourself is to be happy.  Nothing gets you there quicker.  It is the secret of attracting the things you want most.  Be happy.  Get yourself in a happy place.  Breathe deeply, think good thoughts, feel your way there.  You can get there from here.  Be it.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Thoughts are Things

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

Thoughts are things.  Treat them with the same respect you treat your possessions.  The more you care for them, the more you will reap the benefits of them.  Your thoughts matter.  They are the life and breath of your experience.  Do not neglect them.  They fulfill your dreams and desires.  They bring changes into your life.  Make sure the changes are positive ones.  Live your dreams, not your nightmares.  Tend to your thoughts.