By Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction To Help The Universe Help You
On Day 22 I logged onto my blog to find the following comment:
Hi there, great post and I love the whole idea of the attracting money series. I am posting here because I could not find a contact us form and I wanted to let you know that your blog was one of the sites nominated for most positive website for the month of August at
Every month our guests nominate 3 to 5 sites for the next month. Your blog was one nominated so I would like to invite you and your guests to vote.
Congratulations on the nomination and good luck.
All I can say is: Thank you! My gratitude is flowing from me to you, who nominated me. I don't know who you are (but I have a few usual suspects), but I appreciate you.
See how this is working? This looking for positives. This feeling appreciation. This asking and receiving. I never could have predicted this outcome. I didn't have to! Okay, okay, I know what you might be thinking "it's just a nomination for blog of the month". But that's not what I'm thinking. I'm thinking thank you. I'm thinking the Universe is bringing me what I ask for. I'm thinking "how £1000 is on its way!"