Friday, 30 October 2009

Contacting Your Higher Being Through Meditation

 by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

The best way to get in touch with your higher being is through meditation.  If you've never tried it before it's very easy to do, but does take some practice to get it right.  The hardest part for most people is clearing your mind and thinking of nothing.  Our minds are constantly active these days, always buzzing with new thoughts or information.  We're a little obsessed with always being in touch with technology and each other. 

Meditation gets you away from all that and reduces things down into their simplest form.  It relaxes and de-stresses you.  It also invites your higher being in.  Start by closing your eyes.  Now inhale deeply. Hold it a few seconds.  Now exhale slowly.  Repeat a few times.  Start counting your slow and out, one, in and out, two, in and out, three...and so on.  Keep counting until you reach 50.  You've now meditated for 15 minutes.  That's great!  Keep up with it every day.  Find a time that suits you best.  First thing in the morning is best for most, but find what's right for you.  If you're not very successful at clearing you mind of all thoughts at first, do not worry about it.  You'll get better.  You need to build up your mind muscles!  Don't give up.  You'll feel more relaxed, happy and in tune with your higher self.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Happiness is Your Birthright

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

If you think that you don't deserve to be happy then you never will.  However, if you think that Happiness is your birthright, as it is, then you will be happy.  Happiness comes from knowing that life was meant to be joyful, loving, fun, exciting, serene, calm and peaceful.  Happiness comes to those who call it forth, to those who choose it.  Are you choosing Happiness for yourself? If not, then I have to ask, why on earth or heaven or anywhere else in this grand universe, not? You were born to be happy.  You were not born to struggle or to hate or to hurt.  Take a few moments as you read this.  Find your Happiness.  Dwell on that which puts a smile on a face.  Find something.  Anything.  Now think about it.  And smile.  You deserve it.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Positive Affirmations

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

If you want to see positive changes in your life, then call them forth.  An easy way to do this is by using positive affirmations when you meditate.  Try this.

Sit comfortably, where you will not be disturbed.  Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath. After every inhale, and while you're exhaling, say to yourself one of the following:

I am attracting my happiness
I am abundant
I am allowing all good things into my life
I am doing my very best
I am happy
I am giving
I am great
I am joyous
I am successful
I am dynamic
I am radiant

Count your breaths until you reach 100.  You will then have said one of these affirmations 100 times.  Do it again tomorrow.  Keep doing it every day.  Pick an affirmation that suits you.  Pick one that feels right.  These are just examples.  You can use one of them or use your own.  Watch the changes unfold, and as always, be happy.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Imagine Your Dream

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

Your imagination is the best tool in your toolbox.  It is what gives you a preview of things to come.  So many people imagine the worst.  That's no good to you at all.  For once, imagine the best possible outcome!  Imagine yourself getting that job, winning that game,  living your dream, travelling to those exotic places.  See it in your mind.  Over and over again.  See it so often that you believe it.  Then it will appear.  Pack your bags and get on that plane.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Think Your Dreams Into Being

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

The only way to have your dreams come true is to think about them, constantly.  Be addicted to thinking about your goals and dreams.  Be really, really greedy about spending time doing this.  You get to do this.  This is allowed.  How else do you expect those dreams to be fulfilled?  This is the work you have to put in.  This is your job.  Think and think and think and think about what you want.  Believe it in and think about how you believe in it.  Be obsessive about it.  Spend time alone so that you can devote yourself to this. Your dreams are as close to fruition as you allow them to be.  Your thoughts are the only thing stopping them from coming true.  Now that you know that you are the only possible obstacle to your dreams coming true, are you going to get out of your way?

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Happiness Germs

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

I think thoughts of Happiness so that I can spread the contagious feelings.  The more you think thoughts of Happiness, the more you will spread those contagious feelings.  Happiness loves company, even more than misery does.  Make happiness your priority.  If you are happy, then your happy vibrations are sent out to the universe.  It works. Trust it.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Share Your Joy

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

The sharing of your joy will increase not only your vibrations but those of the people you share with.  If you are feeling joyous, then share it.  If you are feeling loving or happy or content or harmonious, then share it.  Uplift those around you whenever you can.  Don't do it for them, do it for yourself.  For in uplifting others, you uplift yourself.  Be greedy with your happiness.  Demand it. Be happy with yourself.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Call out to HAPPINESS

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

If you really want to be happy then do this: think HAPPINESS.  Literally think the word HAPPINESS.  Say it to yourself.  Then, say it out loud.  Call it forth.  It will hear you.  It will respond to you.  When someone calls out your name, do you not respond?  HAPPINESS is out there as a part of the universe.  It has very good ears.  Call it and invite it in. It wants to share your life with you.  It will bring you all that you desire.  Call it, now.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Your First Instinct

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

All you have to do today is think one happy thought and hold that thought for a few minutes.  Go on, give it a try.  Daydream for a few minutes.  Think of something that puts a smile on your face. Think of something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Think of a memory or a time in your life when you were blissfully happy.  We all have those moments.  Dig for it.  Remember it and feel it again.  Dwell on it for a few minutes. Do the same thing tomorrow except spend a little more time doing it.  Build up every day the amount of time you spend doing this.  Little by little it will become second nature.  That's a bit funny, actually, because it's your first instinct to do this!  You had it before you were born, and you knew it.  Now it's your job to remember it.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Invite Your Guide In

by Anne Bellamy, Author of Using The Law of Attraction to Help The Universe Help You

My guide is an entity inside of my soul.  It is an understanding that all is well with the universe.  It tells me that I am one with the universe.  My guide helps me connect to the universe and thinks happy thoughts about me.  Connect with your guide and you will find a wonderful friendship.  Your guide is there, you already know that if you're here.  Your guide is waiting for you to connect with it.  Just find time to meditate, and breathe deeply.  Invite your guide to announce itself.  Invite your guide into your experience.  Do not be afraid.  Your guide loves you.  Your guide wants all happiness for you.  Your guide is your source for inspiration.  Your guide knows who you are and will tell you when you are straying from your true self.  Your negative emotions are the tools your guide uses.  Listen to them.  Pay attention to them.  When you're feeling negative then know, in that moment, it is your guide telling you that you are not in tune with who you really are.  Feel positive.  Feel healthy.  Feel rich.  Feel glorious.  That is your true self.  Doesn't that make you feel happy?