Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Morning Process to Manifest a Great Day

Today I'd like to share with you a morning process designed to pave the way for you to have a great day.

Have you ever heard that when you wake up in the morning, you should find a good thought and hold that thought to get momentum going, in order to have a good day? Yeah, me too, but the problem is, when I wake up in the morning, it's damn hard to feel happy!  You feel tired, right?  If it's winter, then it's dark and that makes it even harder to leave your comfy bed and duvet, so how the heck are you supposed to find a good thought???

It's hard to feel appreciation or gratitude at this moment!  It's hard to say "Today is going to be a great day!" when, at that moment, the only thing that would make a great day, would be to stay put.

So how about, instead of trying to predict a good day, you give thanks for already having a good day?

How about, before you get out of bed, saying something like "Today was a great day!" Make a statement as if it is already done.  It's complete.  There's no question about it.  It feels good and it's much easier to get out of bed when you already know what a great day you're going to have!

Try it! I promise you, it not only feels better, but it works.  Declare to the universe what has already happened and watch as the magic unfolds. Every time something fun or good or enjoyable or great happens, take note and say "I knew it!"  Shore up your belief and watch as the evidence comes rolling in.

At night, when you go to bed, say "Thank you for an amazing day".

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Using The Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Money

Please enjoy this excerpt from my book Using The Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Money

Chapter 1

If you think this book will be about some easy way to make money, then you couldn't be more wrong. Sorry to have to tell you that, but We feel it's best if We're honest right from the get-go, don't you? When you think about it, though, do you really want to pay money for a book that proclaims to show you an easy way to make money, with no effort at all? Would you really believe that claim?

It is a well known fact that you, in this physical plane, believe that money is hard to come by. Therefore, being told that it is easy just sticks in your craw. You don't buy it, and as a result, probably wouldn't buy this book. It is true that all the money you desire can come to you, but it will take effort on your part, just not the kind of effort you are used to putting in.

When you think about “working hard” many of you imagine spending hours in the office, or doing some kind of physical labour. You imagine the stress and toll it takes on you physically and emotionally. You think that to earn money, you have to trade it for your health and well-being. Think about that sentence for a minute. Are you saying “hang on a minute! I don't expect to get sick over making money”? Well, let Us ask you this: What kind of effect do you think stress has on you? Do you think it enrichesyour life? Do you think it adds some kind of value? This is where you might say “Yes, I get money in return for it”. Thank you. You've just made our point.

The truth is this: Yes, if you want money to come into your life, you have to put in effort. You have to work for it. However, you don't have to slave away at a job you detest, working for a boss you dream of murdering. You don't have to “slog it out”. You don't have to fight the traffic during rush hour, or cram into that bus, subway, or train to get to work on time.

This book is going to show you how you can attract massive amounts of money into your life without doing that. Are you still with Us? Does that sound implausible? Do you know that many, many people have already figured out how to do this, and are absolutely raking it in? How does that make you feel knowing that there is a way, and that others have found it, and that you haven't?
Does it make you want a piece of the action? Well good! That's exactly what it should do.

You should be able to look at something and say “I want that”. All you have to do is to know how. That is where We come in. We want nothing more than for you to be happy. We want you to experience all the fun, and excitement that there is out there waiting for you. For when you experience it, so do We. When you are happy, We are absolutely thrilled.

Money cannot buy you happiness. Ouch! Painful, but you know it's true. Don't worry, this book is still about how you can attract massive amounts of money into your life. Don't put it down, We're getting to that. How many rich, successful people have you seen in magazines or on TV, who seem to have it all, yet suffer terrible loss, addiction and sickness? They're all over the place! What are they doing wrong? They're rich, they're beautiful, they're famous! How can they mess up so much? Well, they are assuming that the more money they have, the happier they will be. Therefore they neglect tending to their “Happy Garden”.

What is a “Happy Garden”? It is that place in your mind that you must tend to, every single day. You see, We want you to be rich and happy. The two don't necessarily go hand in hand. The problem is what most people think is that money will bring happiness. What We'd like to show you is that happiness will bring you money. “Wait a minute!” you're saying “I know people who are happy and aren't rich!” Yes, that's very true. Lots of people are happy and not “rich”. But then, “rich” is a relative term. To that starving child living in a third world country, “rich” is having three square meals a day. And believe it or not, it isn't everyone's goal to be rich. Not really. There are many happy people out there who don't believe that they ever will be rich, and therefore massive amounts of money do not come their way. Yet they believe they will be happy. So, they get the happiness without the money.

But if you want the happiness and the money, then you are the person We want to talk to. Happiness comes from within. And that's great. That's where all the work is done. Money, however, is an expression of the outside world. It allows you the experience of it. Money buys you that first class plane ticket and takes you to that beautiful island in the South Pacific where you sip Pina Coladas on the beach all day. Oh! Doesn't that sound nice? We wish you would go! It's really beautiful there. You can experience it in your mind, and you can read about it from someone else, but the very reason you came into this physical plane is to experience for yourself.

That's where money comes in. Isn't it delicious? Isn't it simply marvellous what money can buy you, or where it can take you? Let's think about a few things it will do for you: It can buy you that lovely house with the huge front lawn that you drive past, on the way to work, every morning. It can hire that personal trainer for you who gets you into top physical shape. It can even buy you a new nose if you want it to! It will take you to that beautiful island (that keeps coming up because it's where Annie wants money to take her).

What else? It can pay for your child's education. It can help a loved one who is going bankrupt. It can be donated to charities to help others who are less fortunate than you. You can give it all away, but just be prepared for it to come back to you. That's how money works. When you give it away, without any strings, without worrying if you will ever see it again, it returns! That's the secret many don't realize.

Think of money like someone you are in love with. The more you hang on to that person the more they will want to break free of you. It's one thing to be affectionate and appreciative, but desperation stinks and repels. That person will get as far away from you as possible. Money works the same way. The more you are desperate for it, the more you repel it. If you are thinking “but I am desperate, and now you tell me I won't get money” don't despair. We know a way around that. And it all takes place in your Happy Garden.

You can find out more about this book by clicking on this title: Using The Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Money

Friday, 2 August 2013

How This 1 Tip Can Help You With Meditation

Do you ever find it difficult to clear your mind of all thoughts when you meditate?

Do your thoughts start to wander?

Do you get sick of counting your breaths, or listening to the clock ticking?

It happens to me, so I'm gonna guess that this happens to others as well.  It's not that easy to clear your mind of all thoughts, especially if we've got a busy day ahead of us, things to do, places to go, people to meet.

And trying to "release" all thought can end in frustration, which is counter-productive to meditating!  You end up getting mad at yourself for not being able to meditate.

I've recently discovered a little trick which helps me immensely with meditation....to be honest with you,  I can't believe it took me this long.

Now, admittedly this trick works best in the warm weather, but here it is.

Meditate outside, or with a window open.  While you're doing this, pay attention to all the little sounds you hear outside.  Try and keep track of everything.

This morning, while meditating with my bedroom windows open I heard the sound of traffic, people chit-chatting, children laughing, someone knocking on a door, another person walking by, pulling either a suitcase or a trolley of some sort, birds, a fly buzzing, and general banging and clanging of nearby construction.

Afterwards, I felt completely blissed out.

Why did this work?  Because I was focused on something outside of myself, and something that didn't hold any real meaning or emotions for me.  They were just sounds of people and nature going about their own business.  I had no internal intrusive thoughts ruin my bliss.  

I just felt light, and easy.  I was excited to get up and start my day.

Try it next time you meditate and see if it works for you.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: My Results

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16        Day 24
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17        Day 25
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18        Day 26
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19        Day 27
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20        Day 28
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21        Day 29
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22        Day 30
Day 7              Day 15        Day 23

I hope you enjoyed doing the 30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge, and if you're only just joining us, please check out the above links if you're interested in doing it yourself.

In 30 days I have noticed some positive changes in my life.  Here are some of the things I've noticed:

Sleep:  Ah, sleep has come much more easily.  I've slept like a log every night this month, even during the recent heatwave.  In the morning, I've woken up without my alarm clock, alert and ready to go.
With the extra energy I gladly changed into my work-out clothes and popped in an exercise dvd....something I usually do anyway, but with much, much less enthusiasm!

Food: This one I didn't anticipate.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner have filled me up and I've cut down on my snacking significantly.  Maybe it's just a general feeling of satisfaction with not only food, but my life in general.  I tend to be a boredom snacker, and local sales in junk food have decreased in the last 30 days, I'm sure of it.  I've lost a few pounds too!

Having said that, I was treated to dinner 3 times this month and was even given a bottle of champagne!

Money:  The typically slow summer months for book sales have seen the highest sales of my books in any July to date.  Thanks very much!  I appreciate all my readers so much!

It's been a wonderful July with lots of highs and hardly any lows.  Andy Murray even won Wimbledon.  Not that  I'm responsible for that, but it has been the first time I've done affirmations like these during Wimbledon.....coincidence?  Just sayin' that's all. :-)

I hope those of you who have followed along with me have seen an exceptional July as well.  Feel free to comment and let me know your results!

If you have any suggestions for further affirmations, feel free to let me know!

If you missed the series or want to try it again, you can now buy the book here.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 30

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16        Day 24
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17        Day 25
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18        Day 26
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19        Day 27
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20        Day 28
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21        Day 29
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22
Day 7              Day 15        Day 23

On this, the last day, the affirmation is:

I feel vibrant and alive.  My body tingles with excitement.

I don't know about you, but my body actually tingled with excitement when I typed this one out and then again when I re-read it.  Our bodies should tingle with excitement!  Why?  Because we are vibrant and alive!  Life is supposed to be fun!  It's supposed to be exciting and magical!  We are supposed to get goosebumps!
Why else are we here?

See you tomorrow with my results!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 29

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16        Day 24
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17        Day 25
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18        Day 26
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19        Day 27
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20        Day 28
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22
Day 7              Day 15        Day 23

Today's affirmation is:

With every breath I am calm, peaceful and healthy.

This affirmation helps you focus on your breath.  It's a meditative technique to clear your mind of all negativity, and hey, while your at it, you might as well think something positive.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, 29 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 28

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16        Day 24
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17        Day 25
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18        Day 26
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19        Day 27
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22
Day 7              Day 15        Day 23

Today's affirmation is:

Health abounds in me.

It's good to go general sometimes and this affirmation fits the bill.  Simple, short but very effective.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, 28 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 27

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16        Day 24
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17        Day 25
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18        Day 26
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22
Day 7              Day 15        Day 23

Today's affirmation is:

I expect my body to be strong and healthy.

Positive expectations yield positive results.  Expect health and that's what you'll get.

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, 27 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 26

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16        Day 24
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17        Day 25
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22
Day 7              Day 15        Day 23

Today's affirmation is:

I send love to all the cells in my body.

The cells of our bodies have infinite intelligence and not only work without our realizing it, but also pick up on our emotional states.  Disease is dis-ease.  Feel ease, and love for the cells in your body and they will work amazingly well for you.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, 26 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 25

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16        Day 24
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22
Day 7              Day 15        Day 23

Today's affirmation is:

I appreciate all that my body does for me.

So often we take for granted all the automatic things are body does for us, like pumping blood, beating our heart, breathing, blinking, and if I were a doctor I could list several more things our bodies do for us without our even realizing it.  Instead, we often condemn our body.  We don't  like the way it looks.  We notice wrinkles, and creaks and cellulite.....Hint, start showing it some appreciation and those things that annoy you will either go away, reduce, or be completely forgotten by you.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 24

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22
Day 7              Day 15        Day 23

Today's affirmation is:

I love and support those close to me.

Another short and sweet one, but doesn't it feel good to know that you show up and are relevant in your loved ones lives?  Let them know they are loved and supported, and the day you need it, they'll be there for you.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 23

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21
Day 6              Day 14        Day 22
Day 7              Day 15

Today's affirmation is:

I welcome friends and family with love and acceptance.

The purpose of this affirmation is to heal any existing rifts you may have with someone close to you.  It doesn't matter if it's a long-standing feud, or a tiny little spat.  If it's about someone you love, then it's worth fixing.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 22

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20
Day 5              Day 13        Day 21
Day 6              Day 14
Day 7              Day 15

Today's affirmation is:

I am patient, kind and understanding with all the people in my life.

This affirmation isn't just addressed at the people you love, but the people who maybe annoy you, but you still have to interact with regularly......the words "co-worker" and "boss" spring to mind.  Treat them with patience, kindness and understanding, and eventually, they will return the favour.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, 22 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 21

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19
Day 4              Day 12        Day 20
Day 5              Day 13
Day 6              Day 14
Day 7              Day 15

Today's affirmation is:

I am blessed with all the love in my life.

It's time you realized all the love you have in your life.  You may not hear about it on a daily basis, but there is love for you.  Give thanks and feel the blessing of it.  You are special and you are loved.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, 21 July 2013

30 Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 20

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18
Day 3              Day 11        Day 19
Day 4              Day 12
Day 5              Day 13
Day 6              Day 14
Day 7              Day 15

Today's affirmation is:

I surround myself with fun, joyous and loving people.

Cause it's just GOOD to be around fun people.  'Nuff said!

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 19

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17
Day 2              Day 10        Day 18
Day 3              Day 11
Day 4              Day 12
Day 5              Day 13
Day 6              Day 14
Day 7              Day 15

Today's affirmation is:

I appreciate the people in my life who love me.

So often we take for granted the people we love and don't realize it until it's too late.  Feel appreciation for the people who love you.  The result will be more love for you, and there ain't nothing wrong with that.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, 19 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 18

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16
Day 1              Day 9          Day 17
Day 2              Day 10
Day 3              Day 11
Day 4              Day 12
Day 5              Day 13
Day 6              Day 14
Day 7              Day 15

Today's affirmation is:

With every day I feel happier, lighter and more confident.

Talk yourself into a good mood every day.  You get to choose the tone of your day and your life.  Choose to be happy and lighter.  Go forth in confidence!

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 17

Introduction     Day 8          Day 16
Day 1              Day 9
Day 2              Day 10
Day 3              Day 11
Day 4              Day 12
Day 5              Day 13
Day 6              Day 14
Day 7              Day 15

Today's affirmation is:

I meet every challenge with confidence and serenity.

Banish fear and doubt with this statement!  You ARE capable.  You are anything you want to be.
When people see your confidence and serenity they will start treating you differently.  They'll demonstrate respect and admiration for you.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 16

Introduction     Day 8
Day 1              Day 9
Day 2              Day 10
Day 3              Day 11
Day 4              Day 12
Day 5              Day 13
Day 6              Day 14
Day 7              Day 15

Today's affirmation is:

I am worthy of love, success and happiness. 

Belief has to start with you.  It you're struggling with this, then substitute "am" with "like to feel".  But keep saying this until you do feel the "am" of this statement.  Because you "am"!!!!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 15

Introduction     Day 8
Day 1              Day 9
Day 2              Day 10
Day 3              Day 11
Day 4              Day 12
Day 5              Day 13
Day 6              Day 14
Day 7

Today's affirmation is:

Every day I laugh more, smile more and love more.

How do you attract happy, fun, loving people into your life?  Be one yourself.  Go on, find something to laugh about.  Don't be shy.  Smile at strangers. They may just smile back!

See you tomorrow!

Monday, 15 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 14

Introduction     Day 8
Day 1              Day 9
Day 2              Day 10
Day 3              Day 11
Day 4              Day 12
Day 5              Day 13
Day 6
Day 7

Today's affirmation is:

I am a lucky person.  Life always works out for me.

Do you know the secret to being lucky?  Thinking that you are.  Expect luck to follow you around and it will.  Expect life to work out for you and it will.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 13

Introduction     Day 8
Day 1              Day 9
Day 2              Day 10
Day 3              Day 11
Day 4              Day 12
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Today's affirmation is:

I like to feel confident and strong.

I put the word "like" in there instead of "am" because if you're not feeling the "am-ness" of this statement, than that annoying little voice in your head will say "Liar!".  Instead, the word "like" is softer, and it's not a lie.  Thereby shutting up that little voice!  Say "like" until you feel "am".  If you already feel "am" then, by all means, go ahead and use it instead.

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, 13 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 12

Introduction     Day 8
Day 1              Day 9
Day 2              Day 10
Day 3              Day 11
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Today's affirmation is:

I celebrate others' success and they celebrate mine.

Another way in which we can repel money is to be jealous of the money other people have.  Jealousy highlights your lack of something, and you never want to focus on "lack".  There is an infinite amount of money available.  Be inspired by others' success and you will attract it to yourself.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, 12 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 11

Introduction     Day 8
Day 1              Day 9
Day 2              Day 10
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Today's affirmation is:

The Universe delivers money to me in surprising and delightful ways and I give thanks for that.

One of the many ways we screw up our relationship with money is struggling to come up with ways to let it in.  The Universe works in magical ways.  It always knows the path of least resistance.  Let go of that control and let the Universe do what it does best!  You don't have to figure out by yourself.  Have faith and look forward to being surprised and delighted by what the Universe brings you.

See you tomorrow! 

Thursday, 11 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 10

Introduction     Day 8
Day 1              Day 9
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Today's affirmation is:

I am prosperous in everything I do. 

This affirmation covers more than just money. It's about health and relationships too.  Improve your luck in every aspect of your life by telling the Universe how it is!

See you tomorrow! 

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 9

Introduction     Day 8
Day 1            
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Today's affirmation is:

I am an abundant person because I allow and appreciate money.

Time to become aware of the role you play in your own abundance.  Choose allowance and appreciation of money, and you too will be abundant.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 8

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Today's affirmation is:

I love money and money loves me.

This affirmation is to help improve your relationship with money.  Think of it as a two-way relationship, because that's what it is.  The more love you send out to money, the more it will show up in your life, just like a person.  Treat it with contempt, and it will disappear.

Okay, you've been at this for a week now.  How's it going?  I'd love to hear from you.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, 8 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 7

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6

Today's affirmation is:

Money flows to me with great ease and frequency.

Ahhhh!  Doesn't that just feel better to think?  Many people have a tricky relationship with money, so concentrate on how good this statement feels.  Feel your way into this one.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, 7 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 6

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Today's affirmation is:

I feel good every day.

Short and sweet, but what more can you want than to feel good every day?  All the things that we want in life are so that we will feel good.  So, why not feel good first? The good things will follow. Make it happen!

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 5

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

Today's affirmation is:

Love surrounds me each and every day and I soak it up like the sun's rays.

Do you know that you are loved? You are.  By the Universe, God, the Almighty, whatever you want to call it.  You are loved.  Soak it up!

See you tomorrow!

Friday, 5 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 4

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Today's affirmation is:

I am positive, appreciative and calm.

Two of the best things you can do for yourself is to keep a positive attitude, and to appreciate what you already have. I threw in the word "calm" because fear has a hard time taking root when it's planted in a bed of calmness.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 3

Day 1
Day 2

Today's affirmation is:

I am the creator of my own experience and I choose love.

The purpose of today's affirmation is to help you realize the power you have, and that you always have a choice.  If in doubt, always choose love.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 2

Day 1

Today's affirmation is:

I love myself and know I deserve to be happy.

The Universe already knows this, and it's time you did too!  The more you love yourself, the more you allow good things to come to you.  Time to feel like royalty!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Day 1

Okay, in case you missed the Introduction, here are the rules to this challenge.

Today's affirmation is:

The Universe loves me and I allow it to deliver all good things to me.

Repeating this affirmation to yourself will help you open up to all the wonderful gifts the Universe has to offer you. It will also help you realize more clearly the role you play.

Good luck, and let me know how it went.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, 1 July 2013

30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmation Challenge: Introduction

Starting tomorrow I've got a new 30 Day Law of Attraction Daily Affirmations Challenge for you.

Here's how it works.

Every day for the next 30 days, I'll be providing a positive affirmation for you to repeat to yourself daily.  Ideally, you will spend 5 minutes in the morning when you first wake up (yes, you may have to get up 5 minutes early), 5 minutes at some point in the middle of the day, and another 5 minutes just before going to bed, doing this.

There will be different topics covered during the 30 days, including: General, Self-Confidence, Health, Wealth and Relationships.

Personally, I like to close my eyes when using affirmations.  This may prove difficult for the midday one, especially if you're sitting in an office with lots of people around you!  If this is the case, then I suggest writing down the affirmation over and over again for five minutes.....and hey, you'll look busy to other people!  Or, you can choose to write the affirmations for each sitting.  It's up to you.  Just make sure you devote the 15 minutes in total, every day, saying, writing or thinking the affirmation for the day.

I'd love to hear you're progress along the way, so please feel free to let me know any insights, breakthroughs, epiphanies or manifestations that occur during this time.  I'll be doing it right along with you and will post my results.

So, see you again, tomorrow!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Creating Your Future and Re-Writing Your Past

You are a creator in this world.  You were born and came to life so that you may create what you desire to have, see and experience.  You did NOT choose to come here to be a feather in the wind.  Life, you determined before you were born, is going to be fun!  "I am going to have a blast!  I am going to decide what I love and what I don't love and then I'm gonna focus on the love and get amazing results!"  That is what you thought before you were born.  Your intention was fun, love, happiness and joy.  Your intention was to experience the bad stuff, yes, but only in order that you could focus more clearly on the good stuff.  You didn't come to here to have mediocrity rule your life.

But it often does, doesn't it?

Answer these questions about yourself:

Do you wake up tired, and disappointed that it's time to get up?
Do you dread the thought of going into work?
Do you have to drag yourself out of bed?
Do you wake up "on the wrong side of the bed"?
Do you travel to work with a scowl on your face?  Seriously, how often do you smile on your journey to work?
Do you ever think "Yippee!  I get to go to work today?"
Do you ever feel stressed about how much work you have to do?
Do you ever worry about what your boss will say/do?
Do you come home exhausted every night?
Do you miss out on enjoying time with your family?

There's about a million more questions I could ask, but if you answer yes to any of these, then you are settling for mediocrity, my friend.  And don't tell me it's okay, because that's what Joe, your next door neighbour does, or that's what all your other friends and relatives have to do!  If it's your goal to be just as blah, as the next person, then go ahead, and use them as your examples.

If, however, you want more (and really, most do) than you have to create it for yourself.  You have to be a little different from every one else you know.  You've got to be a little off-centre.  And the only reason you'll be off-centre is because you've surrounded yourself by people who also settle for a mediocre life.  Decide you want more, and people who do have more will start to come into your life and you won't be so different after all.

How do you do it? 4 Things:

1. Meditate every morning - get up early if you have to, no excuses!

2. Watch your thoughts- if you wake up grumpy then deliberately think of something that makes you happy. Yes, you do have the power to do this!  You are not a slave to your thoughts.  You're the boss.

3.  Imagine over and over again, something that you want.  See from your own eyes the picture of the life you want to create.  Feel good about it. If it feels bad, then you're doing it wrong.  Think thoughts that put you in a happy mood first, then visualize.  Those thoughts can start off as simple as "I like to feel good.  I like to feel happy.  I like to feel easy."  Follow that train and see where it takes you.

4. Don't let your past experiences determine your future ones.  Had an argument with a co-worker yesterday?  Replay the scene in your imagination where you came to a peaceful resolution of the conflict. See the two of your smiling and shaking hands.  This activity cleans up the negative vibrations you've been carrying around with you....and we all know negative vibrations reap negative results.

You do have the power to create your future and re-write your past.  All it takes is some time and effort on your part.  Be brave, be different, be daring.  Don't think you have it in you?  Well I think you do.  Everybody does.  Remember, fortune favours the brave, so if you want different results, you're gonna have to be brave and try different things.