Wednesday 26 October 2011

How The Universe Can Nudge You Back on Track

By Anne Bellamy, Author of
 Using The Law of Attraction To Help The Universe Help You

Last week was a tough week for me.  Every day I encountered someone who was either angry, or rude, or stubborn, or difficult.  Every Day!!! It wasn't until after 3 or 4 days of this that I thought "wait, a minute, what's going on here?  Why am I crossing paths with all these difficult people?"

I realized the answer was pretty simple.  I've been busy lately.  Very busy.  In fact, so busy that I've let a few things drop.  Exercise.  Meditation.  Visualization.  These are all things that I whole-heartedly believe and participate in.  Except when I get busy.  I tend to "leave them for another day".  Oops, my bad.  I've been so busy that I didn't even notice what I was doing. 

But that's okay, and here's why:

One of the things that I ask of the Universe is to nudge me when I get off track.  Well, last week, the Universe wasn't just nudging me, but downright shoving me and shouting in my face....literally! (the shouting part, not the shoving)

Time to get the schedule out.  I've now made time for Exercise, Meditation and Visualization.  (And yes, that means getting up earlier) 

This week has been much better.  More harmonious.  More pleasant.  Same work is getting done, it's just been easier.

When people are difficult with you, remember two things:

1) Their anger, rudeness, resentment, etc is their issue, not yours.  Don't be a sponge. Be Teflon.

2) Maybe it's time for you to take a break.  Relax. Sit back, and meditate.  Have some fun.  Get positive.

The Universe can help you, if you let it.


  1. Great point, Anne. I've heard Oprah say many times that life will nudge us softly, and if we don't get it, it will nudge us a little more strongly. She always says "Don't make life throw a brick at your head."

    I like the insight you share about not just complaining about what was going wrong in your week, but allowing that to be a call to return to consciousness and to re-align.

    Great insights.

  2. Thanks Steve! I've never heard that Oprah quote before. While I have been "hit with a few bricks" in my life, I am learning to dodge them now.
    Thanks again,
